Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tattoo Artists Cover Up Tattoos for Free

Several tattoo parlors across the U.S. have decided to cover up people's racist, prejudice and gang affiliated tattoos for FREE. That's right, FREE! With the steady belief of "sometimes people change", and goal to "erase old beliefs", a bit of faith in humanity has been restored. This wonderful offer has opened a floodgate; the amount of overwhelming requests, e-mails, direct messages, and Facebook comments asking for these tattoo cover-ups illustrates that people can have a change of heart, mind and perspective.

It's crazy to think that at one point in time, a tattoo artist had zero remorse or issue with particular tattoo requests (ones signalling hateful messages or unnecessary pride). Instead of contending against a client's ridiculous request, tattoo artists of these people's pasts have acquiesced to awful and serious intentions to permanently mark someone else's body and receive a payment for it. While some tattoo artists have reported to not ink particular things since it compromised their personal moral values, others clearly have had no issue inking it to begin with. I think that some other tattoo artists out there today will not even have to think twice about declining business next time someone asks for a distasteful tattoo. Let's mark ourselves with more positive and beautiful things in the world.

Check out Redemption Ink , a nonprofit, pay-it-forward organization currently looking for studios, independent artists and donations.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Adopt A Rescue

The fantastic city of San Francisco has taken steps in the right direction. A law was recently passed that pet stores can only sell rescue animals in hopes of dismantling the puppy mill industry. Part of the issue with puppy mills is that not enough people are aware of the fact that most pet shops get their animals in bulk from breeders. There is also not enough advocacy for the adoption of rescues - both young and old.

Many buyers consciously chose to purchase their pet from a pet shop. Not many people know that beyond the scenes, the health and welfare of these animals are not considered a priority. Instead, making a profit is the main focus for business owners. The result of breeding the same animals over and over again can result in birth defects and little to no time for females to recover after birthing their litter. Some mothers are even killed once they cannot produce any more babies. It's truly sickening and terrible.

There is no inspection or specific regulations about the living conditions of these mills. This vicious and ongoing process of puppy mills have been in motion for years. Pups are stuck within confined cages which are usually stacked up upon each other. This is just one example of the many unsanitary conditions in a puppy mill. Some breeders are licensed, while other's aren't. Mills can typically host anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dogs. Just because something is currently in place law-wise, doesn't necessarily make it right, humane or ethical.  

To find out more about the puppy mill industry, petition for change or even donate click here.

Make your point to adopt a rescue pup instead! You won't regret it.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Adulting lesson at it's finest: Learning how to manage your time and stop being such a perfectionist over every little detail

Living for Yourself

A friend of mine on Facebook posted not too long ago, "It's not so much about impressing others anymore but impressing myself. Not living for others but living for myself."

Something about this statement just clicked for me. In this life, you can either live with the motivation of impressing yourself, or you can live with the intention to constantly impress others.

It is impossible to be a person who is capable of pleasing everyone. At the end of the day, there is always going to be someone who will find some kind of fault or complaint to make. The bottom line is, don't find yourself trying to be a people pleaser. You'll drive yourself nuts trying to achieve the impossible.

I've seen people live their lives based on trying to impress others and never seemingly able to succeed. Where's the reward in that? I don't see any. There's no harm in putting energies into yourself and living for yourself. Live with the motivation to better yourself. There's no need to put pressure on yourself to meet every single person's expectations. And don't kiss ass for people who don't appreciate you.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Project P.E.A.C.E - Stop and Listen

There's not a day that goes by where I don't listen to music.
It's kind of amazing how listening to a certain song or music genre can affect your mood. Sometimes there's just a line in a song that resonates with your soul and you wonder - wow, someone actually can put exactly how I feel into lyrics and a beat. Music is an incredible expression.

The other day was one of those days where I just felt angry at the world. I just needed to put on blast songs from My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, Green Day, Good Charlotte and Eminem. Isn't is strange how I'm listening to angsty teen songs at twenty-two? Plus, we're in 2016... who even listens to those artists/bands aside from me?

A week or so ago, I just sat in my room and wallowed in my own self pity while I listened to this playlist I created called, 'The Feels'. I listen to that one when I'm simply feeling sad or numb. Music for me is some weird kind of outlet for addressing and expressing these negative emotions that have been dwelling inside. Journaling can only help so much, but I find that by just stopping and listening to the music it makes me feel better.

That's not to say you should be listening to sad, angsty or sappy love songs all day and every day. You shouldn't! Next time you feel in a negative mood, try changing it up by listening to happy and upbeat music instead. Spotify has playlists already created that are so easy to browse and listen. I highly recommend, 'Happy Hits!', 'Wake up Happy', 'Happy Songs' and even 'Happy Dance Beats'. I have even found it helpful to just blare the happy music so loud that it drowns out my own negative thoughts. It actually works! (at least it does for me) By browsing other similar songs, I have come across some awesome new artists who also have some pretty inspiring messages or just great beats.

So grab your headphones, put on your happy tunes and start jammin'. You'll feel like dancing.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Coffee With A Cause- Starting Your Mornings the Philanthropic Way

"We believe there is ability in disability"- Philosophy of Coffee With A Cause

On April 27th, the grand opening of 'Cause Café' in Fort Salonga, New York will be the very first full-service eatery on Long Island that will offer coffee, as well as organic breakfast foods, sandwiches, salads, juices and smoothies that will integrate individuals with cognitive delay.

Long Island's, 'Coffee With a Cause' aims to not only bring awareness to all spectrums of autism but also change perceptions that revolve around autism one coffee cup at a time. Stacey Wohl, a Northport Long Island mother is working to empower special needs residents in her community and make a difference. Her efforts seek to show Corporate America that, "No matter how disabled they are, there is a job for them".

Wohl's two autistic children, Logan and Britney have already been happily and gainfully employed in this family business for several years - where initially just products were sold. A percentage of the profits raised were donated to charities that work closely alongside those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to be successful in the workplace. The opening of this supportive business setting will set a positive example that allows for young adults with cognitive and developmental disabilities within the community to make a difference. At this café, vocational training programs will be provided to assist work productivity and create a positive workspace for all. 

While 53 million adults in the United States are living with a disability, as many as 70 percent of this working-age population are currently unemployed. In 2016, nearly 500,000 autistic persons will enter this category, in addition to adults with Down Syndrome and other cognitive conditions. Perhaps more unique opportunities will be inspired to emerge as a result of 'Cause Café's' opening that caters to bettering the resources, availability and favorability to adults, teens and children within the autistic spectrum.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Have you seen the big news? SeaWorld has helped make orcas among the world's most beloved animals. By making this the last generation of orcas in our care and reimagining how guests will experience these beautiful animals, we are fulfilling our ongoing mission of providing visitors with experiences that matter. Learn more about this announcement and how we're changing here: SeaWorldCares.com/Future
Posted by SeaWorld on Thursday, March 17, 2016
Orca breeding is finally ending in SeaWorld which is a swim-stroke in the right direction. However, these beautiful creatures still are being  kept in captivity: isolated from the rest of the living beings of the ocean. I hope that one day all big, beautiful, orca whales can swim not only safely from being captured, but freely in clean, unpolluted waters. According to SeaWorld's website, "SeaWorld reaffirms its commitment not to collect marine mammals from the wild. It has not collected an orca from the wild in almost 40 years, and the orcas at SeaWorld were either born there or have spent almost their entire lives in human care. These orcas could not survive in oceans that include environmental concerns such as pollution and other man-made threats." This still does not change the fact that these whales are still being kept in captivity and are still being displayed for entertainment purposes. Hopefully some better changes will come for these natural and wild creatures. Our oceans need to be cleaner, not just for the whales but for other fish and sea mammals, inhabitants and plants.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Project PEACE- Mobile Hygiene Buses

Lava Mae bus facility
Who knew that old transportation buses could be transformed into a bathroom and shower facility? Hygiene buses have been emerging across several areas in order to help the homeless community. Take New Mexico and California for instance. Dignity on Wheels has a bus equipped with a washer and dryer while Lava Mae has been making efforts to expand its service, cause and volunteer groups. According to Dignity on Wheel's website their demographics of people who utilize this service bus have been provided, "Showers [for] up to 60 people per day,  360 per week, 18,000+ per year and laundry services up to 36 loads per day, 216 per week, 11,000+ per year." For the sheer sake of survival and humanity causes such as this are necessary. These types of successful services have already helped many in need and hopefully will make a great change in the struggling survival of a homeless lifestyle.   

Dignity On Wheels Facility

Friday, March 11, 2016

Project PEACE- Be one with Nature

This week's challenge is to be one with nature- rain or shine.

Is it just me or do you find yourself struggling to be one with nature during the frigid unbearableness of winter? I know I do! Aside from trapping myself indoors to watch a documentary or read a book of some sort in regard to nature I pretty much distance myself every year from physically embracing nature during the cold winter months. Does walking around the city for my morning commute count? Yeah, I did not think so either. Unless I am bundled up climbing a mountain in the snow, skiing, or building a snowman, I have no interest in having a relationship with nature and being outdoors if you know what I mean.

Thank goodness we are eleven days into March and we have 61°F weather in New York City. It is looking quite promising! Today I went into work without wearing that jacket that physically adds twenty extra pounds. It will not be that much longer until I am wearing my shorts, dresses and flip flops. My feet will finally be able to breathe and not be suffocated by some sock (toe, fuzzy, high, anklet etc.)

After facing some serious winter blues, I cannot help but look forward to this winter weather finally fleeing until next year. It can give everyone the chance here [in New York] to walk around outside or jog without freezing a lung in the process.

I encourage everyone to be one with nature and escape the virtual reality we call "lives". Get some fresh air and tweet, text, blog and Instagram about your adventure outdoors later.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Project PEACE- Bursting Burdensome Balloons

Every day it's someone's birthday. Today it is March 3rd and already so many celebrations for this whole month have started. March birthdays include Justin Bieber's, Dr. Seuss', Mariah Carey's, Sergio Ramos' as well as my own. With that said, at these celebrations it is not uncommon for balloons to be present at special events.

Something to keep in mind: Latex balloons can be recycled! They also are biodegradable but the shiny, mylar ones are not. Feel free to utilize them again by making them into crafts (scrapbooking! pom-poms! flowers! etc.), deflate them carefully so they can be used again or utilize them for future wrapping paper to wrap gifts such as a bottle of wine for a friend.

In addition, the strings attached the balloons can be dangerous to animals. Be sure to carefully separate the string from the balloon. Whatever you do...DO NOT release them freely into the sky! It's very bad. You wouldn't want an animal to choke on a balloon would you? I know I certainly wouldn't want to be eating a balloon for breakfast. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Project PEACE-Leonardo DiCaprio and his Full Fledged Philanthropy

Leonardo DiCaprio accepting his award
Way to go Leo! After six Academy Award nominations, Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar for best actor in, "The Revenant". Instead of Leo utilizing his time up on the stage to talk about himself, he brought up several issues much greater than himself- climate change, saving the planet and being more conscientious and appreciative of the world we live in.
“I just want to say this -- making “The Revenant” was about man’s relationship to the natural world, a world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history,” he said.
A self described environmentalist, his personal Instagram account is dedicated to photographing the natural world, endangered animals, indigenous people, and calls attention to climate change in many forms. His personal Leonardo DiCaprio foundation, dedicated to long term health and well being of all of Earth's inhabitants also has a social media presence with its created hashtag of #LDFOUNDATION.

His personal Instagram account with a current following of 3.7 million people can only get so much exposure and attention to the issues. The opportunity to present his stance was compelling and passionate.
"Climate change is real, and it’s happening right now,” DiCaprio said. “It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters or the big corporations, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world…and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed.” 
Ending his speech with not taking this world for granted, he left off on an optimistic note that resonated with a hope for a brighter future and better world.

The internet is currently exploding with jubilation, parodies and amazing photoshopped pictures of this historical moment. This doctored photo of Leo kissing a bear just moments before he accepts his award has me dying. If this is what the internet needs to see in order to become more aware of the issues at hand, then so be it!

Photo courtesy of The Onion

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Project PEACE- Marketing with an eco-friendly purpose

An entrepreneurial spirit at it's finest!
The World's First Plantable Coffee Cup

If you plant this coffee cup, it will grow into a tree.

Posted by The Huffington Post on Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Project PEACE- Project Positivity

Don't just think positively, do positive things! Project positivity wherever you go. I've always been a firm believer of "your vibe attracts your tribe". 

Below is an old article but still a good read:

Monday, February 1, 2016

Project PEACE-Goal Setting

Take a deep breath. It's time to organize and re-adjust yourself. It's a Monday. It's a new month. It's time for you to set some SMART goals for the month of February. Do you know how to do it? Are you finally ready to get down to business and focus to reach your dreams?

Let's start by making a small to-do list of household chores, errands and phone calls you need to make. That's pretty simple! Although at first glance your list may seem like it is growing exponentially by the minute (the more you start thinking about everything else you have to do), I promise that it is going to be OK. You can easily knock out a couple of things off of that list in a day, maybe even in a few hours. Don't overwhelm yourself. Aim to cross off at least three things per day.

But what about setting long term goals and achieving them? My best advice is to write out a couple of SMART goals.

  • Specific
    • Ask yourself the who, what, when, where and why
  • Measurable
    • Ask, "How will I be able to tell if I achieved my goal?", how can the results be measured?
  • Attainable
    • Think time frame, the appropriate steps to take also have CONFIDENCE. You can do this!
  • Realistic
    • You have to be willing to work at it. Achieving your goals does not just happen by pure luck, mistake or magic. It's also alright to have failed attempts and a small but steady progress  
  • Timely
    • Bolster the importance of your goals with a particular time frame. Month and day. 
Goal setting is an awesome thing! The greatest feeling in the world is being able to check off whatever it was that you aspired to do. An even better feeling is saying that you did it after working hard enough for it- when you had to take a few steps to get there, put in the time and hard work, you are left feeling nothing less but accomplished.

You can do it go-getter! It's time to take out the pen and paper.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Project PEACE- Reduce your Waste

In an effort to cut back on waste, she made some small changes in her life. Enough to fit two years of trash into a jar. (via Seeker Network)
Posted by Upworthy on Tuesday, January 5, 2016

This young girl's lifestyle dedicated to not being wasteful is something beyond admirable. As you can see, this way of life is possible. Being aware and making more conscious choices, certainly will have a positive outcome. 

"It's really important to live your values."
 Here are some small steps and actions you can take yourself to live a less wasteful of a lifestyle:
  • When grocery shopping, bring reusable bags 
  • Separate your trash (recyclables vs. compost) 
  • Mason/Glass Jars to fill up!
  • Make some products yourself Buying in bulk 
*Directions on how to make your own toothpaste will be posted soon!*

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Project PEACE: Save the Penguins

In honor of today being Penguin Awareness Day I feel extremely compelled to write a post.

A. They are my favorite animal
B.  The effects of climate change is a growing concern of the Emperor, Adelie, and Galapagos penguin species.
C. There is a way to help

These species of penguin are at an all-time high risk of either being endangered or extinct.

Aside from donating, making symbolic adoptions or purchasing merchandise it is essential to take ACTION.

According to World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) website, "thanks to the support of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, we’re one giant step closer to protecting one of the Earth’s most beautiful and lively places." There was a full ban on dumping in the Great Barrier Reef this past summer in 2015.

If, "more than 500,000 WWF supporters from 177 different countries called on world leaders to defend the Great Barrier Reef", who is to say that penguins can't be the next? People in the fishing industry also should be aware that accidentally catching a penguin as well as other marine life is dangerous.

So now what?

Ways to take action:
  • Don't hesitate to engage with others in your community about penguins and other wildlife
  • If there is an oil spill, there are opportunities to get involved with the clean up and rehabilitation of wildlife
  • Electronically sign existing reputable petitions/proposals that plan to be presented to Congress
  • Participate and advocate conservation work within your local community
  • Keep the oceans clean and don't dump your trash
  • Perhaps think of an innovative way to change the technology of fishing gear

Project PEACE: Shower Power

Nebia is a new Kickstarter invention that reduces the amount of water that you use when you shower by about 70%. This new invention not only seems to be slowing down the water crisis in places such as California where there is a serious drought, but it also is an essential reinvention of our personal, daily routine. The drop styles and distribution of atomizing streams of water allows for this shower to be more powerful, reach an even greater surface area (10x's more than a regular shower) and be environmentally friendly. Although this shower head is about $400, it may be well worth the investment. According to Nebia's website, "Nebia leverages advances in design and thermofluids to create a better shower experience that actually saves you thousands of gallons of water a year. With those savings, Nebia pays for itself in about a year." This product also has the benefits of easy installation and adjustable height. Seeing this product and the problems it seeks to solve makes me that much more conscious of how wasteful people (including myself) sometimes can be with water. There are many ways to reverse the damage that already has been done to our world. There also are steps that we can take to minimize future damages to the Earth. Perhaps Nebia isn't the one and only solution.

This revolutionary showerhead uses less water and feels great.
Posted by Tech Insider on Monday, January 18, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Project PEACE - The Domino, Ripple, and Boomerang Effect

I always like to imagine that if you do a good thing for someone, then they will be prompted to do something good for someone else. Similarly to dominos, one outside force has an effect on the other. With Karma, the ways of the universe will make it's rounds back to you, undoubtedly in your favor. A chain of reaction can be formed not simply by being, but by DOING. 

I think it is truly inspiring how a simple drop can create big ripples and waves. Although you may not fully believe it, you have the ability to influence others in the world around you and make a difference because of it. Your kindness can result in others doing even kinder gestures. Don't hesitate or underestimate yourself. 

Kindness can be contagious - even if it is a simple smile. Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. Even if you are just exchanging a smile with a stranger, more often than not they will return with a smile back at you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Project PEACE- The Rules of Finders Keepers

I will never forget that at my Sweet 16, someone found my camera and never looked to returned it. I will never forget that Halloween weekend up at college, someone stole my favorite black pea-coat and I had to walk home in the cold. I have been out a countless amount of times where friends of mine have had their phones taken, wallets lost and their ID's snatched up off of the dance floor. I guess the saying is true, "finders keepers, (losers weepers)" because I have weeped a lot over things I have lost.

If you find something that is not yours and know it can be returned; someway; somehow you do it. You make a whole-hearted effort to do it. I know that if it were me, I would hope someone would try to return something of mine that was not intended for someone else to keep. It does not matter how big, small, or even valuable it is! Pay it forward. Create good vibes. Do good things. Help out others and return to them what has been lost.

I went out this past Saturday night to this brand new bar that opened up in town. As you can imagine, it was ridiculously crowded so after a while I decided that I needed to go outside and get some air with my best friend. As we began to chat, I was looking around and noticed that straight ahead, lying in the street, appeared to be what looked like an I-phone 6 plus glistening under the streetlight. I turned to my best friend and asked, "Meg, is it just me or is that a phone lying right there in plain sight!?"

I sprinted over, and lo and behold there it was: A brand new I-phone 6 Plus with not a single scratch, crack or dent. I clicked the home button and saw the screen saver background was of a married couple kissing on their wedding day.

In my mind, finding the owner of this phone was non-negotiable. I had to figure this out and return it. Although I could have easily kept the phone, it was not mine to keep (while the rules of finder's keepers suggests otherwise).

There was no way I could go through this person's contact list because there was a 4 digit passcode lock set. I could not call an emergency number because the only one available would be 911. I paused to think for a moment and so I just commanded Siri, "Call mom". The phone began to ring. No answer. Yet, I knew there had to be SOME way to figure out how to get in touch with the owner of this phone.

I then asked, "Hey Siri, who am I?" and VOILA! Siri gave me all the information I needed - first and last name, e-mail, home address, house phone number, and husband's contact information. I then commanded Siri to call, "insert husbands name" and I got an answer. I explained to him that I had found his wife's phone in the street and we made arrangements for him to come and pick it up from me. He came into the bar and I recognized him immediately as the guy on the phone's background. After introducing himself, he thanked me and then left.

It was not long after that happened, that good karma began to come my way. Suddenly all of these positive things transpired in my personal life. Call it what you want, but I believe it may have been because I returned that phone.

A new tip of advice: Finders >> find an item, now find the person! Losers >> be more responsible and careful with your things. Be appreciative of the good people around you. Stealers >> DO NOT STEAL, SNAG, OR PICKPOCKET. Get a new hobby and channel your energies into something that is actually beneficial to society and helps others living around you in the world.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Project PEACE: Handbags for the Homeless

Have a purse at home you don't want? Well, I saw this really awesome idea online that I'm SUPER excited to try- "Handbags for the Homeless" or "Blessing Bags". Basically you take your old pocketbooks, purses, or hand-bags and fill them up. Similarly to a goodie bag, you can put basic yet essential items in there- toothpaste, toothbrush, a snack bar, hand-cream, socks and gloves.

A lot of people tend to neglect the fact that women living out on the streets of New York City still get their periods. Pads and tampons are an essential item for any woman who gets her period, but when you are homeless, having these items readily available, and in quantity may be seen as a luxury.

As for homeless men, I can give away a few old drawstring bags I have collected over the years from various clubs and events. I could easily fill a bag or three with chapsticks, an old beanie, nail clippers, band-aids, and hand wipes.

Now that I'm back home from school, it's time that I go through all of my winter clothes, shoes and accessories again. Every year, I end up donating it all to an organization of my choosing. Between my mother, sister and I... we are able to accumulate a bag as big as St. Nick's. I'm almost 22 and the handbags I was using back in middle school are not the same bags I use now. They are beyond old and I have no use for any of them. Other bags are a bit raggedy and have been sitting in my closet collecting dust over the years. Since I'm no longer using them, why not help out someone else? I'm very fortunate and blessed. However, not everyone has the same good fortune. I can only hope that others would be able to take time out of their hectic and busy lives to do something good for someone else.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Project PEACE- Ocean Seabins

Way to go Aussies from the land down under! These guys found a solution to create cleaner oceans  and have a healthier marine life.  These ocean sea bins (made out of recycled materials) suck in trash and plastic that pollute our waters. As of right now, there is no evidence showing that microscopic marine life has been caught within these bins. Basically, it's just like a floating garbage can. Personally it reminds me of my small little pool pump that would suck in all of the bugs, leaves and dirt, but this invention is on a much more complex level. Kudos to them for finding a solution to a pretty serious issue! Being water enthusiasts themselves, who wouldn't want a cleaner and better world to live in?

They've already established where they want to put these Sea Bins: at local yacht clubs, marinas, ports, harbors, rivers and lakes. This brilliant idea not only is effective, but it also is low cost and educative. People should be more cautious of what they are throwing away and how they are disposing of trash. Often times, trash from the land becomes trash in the sea. We can all prevent this problem of pollution by properly disposing of trash.  

These guys will be shipping these out starting in 2016 (most likely next November) How exciting!

Check out their official site here: http://www.seabinproject.com/                                                                                                                                                    

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Project PEACE-Repurpose

Photo Courtesy of Pinterest
It's that time of year again where maybe you look into your closet and ask yourself...why do I still have this? Instead of throwing away your old clothes or just letting them hang there lifelessly in your closet, donate them or give them a new purpose!

What can you do with old clothes? 

1. Donate to the homeless...it's starting to get really cold this winter!
2. Bring them to your favorite organization or charity that accepts it. 
3. Perhaps you can give that favorite going out shirt of yours you accidentally shrunk in the wash to your BFF.
4. DIY crafts out of your clothes- I used to make book covers out of my old jeans.
5. Change that sweater into a hat 
6. Make a scarf out of old t-shirts or sew a quilt
7. Accidentally have a spot of bleach? Bleach some other parts and make a really cool design!
8. Organize a clothes swap with a group of friends: everyone brings all of the clothes he/she no longer wants and then you guys can trade. 
9. Bring them to a local consignment shop for resale.
10. But then again....you may just end up keeping it for another 3+ years 

Check out Denim Do Over- Giving new life to old denim. They have an awesome tutorial on how to make a scatter rug out of your old jeans! 

Photo Courtesy of Denim Do Over

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Yoga Joe's: The cool, new, peaceful kind of army

Each Joe features a different position: Downward Facing Dog, Warrior II, Cobra, Child’s Pose, Sukhasana, & headstand.

Yoga Joes parallel just how much focus and discipline goes into yoga as it does for military training. Who is to say that military guys always need to be portrayed as action figures that are violent, holding guns or shooting things?  Yoga is a nice way to alleviate stress, cope with PTSD, and create inner peace. An adorable and original gift for anyone this holiday season who enjoys yoga, army guys, positive vibes, zen and a small knick-knack.

Check out the official site here: http://www.yogajoes.com/

They also come in pink too, which is pretty awesome!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Project PEACE - Take a Breather

Control your breathing, clear your mind and you'll certainly feel a lot calmer.

Project PEACE- Support Local Businesses

Photo courtesy of Innovators of the Valley
Each one of us is on on our own little journey. Why not support others in their journeys too along the way? 

Feel free to check out Innovators of the Valley, an archive full of small local businesses, creators, artists, and craftspeople based in and around the Hudson Valley and Catskills Region of New York.

Showcasing their journeys and services that they can provide to you, these creative individuals, have everything there is to offer you: from home-made candles, hand-crafts and home-grown foods. Who knows, maybe it'll help you innovate yourself along the way, perhaps even inspire you! P.E.A.C.E. strives to Protect Earth And Communities Everywhere. Let's get this movement started! Share and spread the good vibes, passionate spirit, positive thinking and support within your own community. 

Project PEACE- Love Yourself

#PURPOSE the Movement

Justin Bieber wasn't kidding when he said that, 'You should go and love yourself'. Self-love is extremely important. Not to say that there isn't a difference between confidence and cockiness. THERE CLEARLY IS.

I know sometimes it is easier said than done but there are so many things that you can love about yourself. There are also so many things for you to appreciate within your life. By focusing on what you DO have, instead of what you don't, you will put yourself in a better state of mind. You can't let the love that others have for you define you. You should love yourself first.  I think it's important that a person is comfortable with themselves.

Ways to Love Yourself:

1. Give yourself compliments and gain some damn confidence
2. Take care of yourself! (eat good foods, exercise, get dressed up, shower)
3. Treat yourself and occasionally spoil yourself (whether its a piece of chocolate or a brand new bag)
4. Better yourself by setting both long-term and short-term goals: You'll feel great once you achieve them
5. Protect yourself by avoiding negative people and situations
6. Don't take someone else's abuse or even your own - Be strong and walk away
7. Motivate yourself- Get pumped up for LIFE, think of all there is to look forward to, YOU ARE A CHAMP
8. Forgive yourself - We all make mistakes, no one is perfect. Don't be so hard on yourself. 
9. Live your life with PURPOSE - find something you are passionate about and run with it!
10. Actually give a shit about yourself and your life. AND Smile. Be freakin' optimistic you silly beautiful human.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Project PEACE- Going The Natural Way

The natural way is here to stay. Work it & slay. 

For centuries people have created their own products, grew their own foods and cared for themselves the natural way.

Before there were supermarkets, giant retail stores, or mass production and distribution dedicated to all different kinds of beauty products, people made their own products and treatments themselves.

There are many benefits of making your own products.

1. You know how and where it was made.
2. Going natural can also be cost efficient.
3. Natural products don't consist of unnatural, factory chemicals or plastic packaging
4. It's really simple
5. It's still great quality
6. All-natural is beautiful.

For those interested in going the natural way, check out my friend's Tumblr here!

*Support your local farmer's markets, and soap makers if you can*

There are so many ways to make a difference in your every day life. Start today and go natural!

If you feel lost and alone

First I want you to take a deep breath.

I want you to know that everything is going to be ok. Understand that it is not necessary to hate yourself or beat yourself up physically, or mentally. It is okay to be different. It is okay to sometimes be scared. It is okay that change may be coming. You're not alone. For some, it is a lot easier to focus on weaknesses instead of strengths. Don't let others define you. Whether it be the number of likes on Facebook, a number on a scale or the amount of steps you take in one day. Those people and those things are not indicative or representative of your value. It is important to know that no one is perfect. It is important for us to understand that each of us has our own internal struggle or battle. Yet, each of us has been blessed with a gift and it is up to you to find it. We all make mistakes. What you are feeling right now is only temporary. And it is okay to have a bad day. Or an awkward moment. And though I dare to say it....It is okay to fail.

It is all a part of the journey.

You are learning.

Each day you are growing.

But it is up to you whether or not you want to move forward or backwards in your growth

You can grow up and towards the light or backward and downward into the dark tunnels of negativity and despair.

It is never too late to start loving yourself.

It is okay if your life has veered off path.

There are plenty of ways to find happiness and obtain inner peace.

The time is now.

Love yourself.

When will there be peace?

I sometimes ask myself "When will there be peace?"
Peace does not necessarily mean quiet.
Peace is not staying silent and complying
Peace does not necessarily mean isolation 
Peace means participating

When you are peaceful within-you maintain a content attitude and disposition
Stay calm amongst the chaos and negativity that surrounds you
Not to say that you are naive 
But you don't focus your energies into creating more adversity

Peace is not letting negativity consume or control you
Peace starts from within
Fueled by the resources of Optimism and Positivity
It can be radiated
And be infectious
Starting with a simple smile or "hello" to a stranger

I strive to send positive vibes to all who I encounter
Smiling is a universal language known to all
Random acts of kindness, gratitude and happiness can lift a person's spirit
You'd be surprised with what power words of encouragement hold

When we have clear communication to avoid misunderstandings, there will be peace
When we put our egos aside, and provide mutual respect for one another, there will be peace
Eliminating manipulative tactics and instilling compassion and nonviolence to achieve our means we will be intelligent

The strongest of all forces that compels us to do
To make.
To create.
To inspire.

Peace is keeping your good-natured heart away from becoming bitter
Peace is freedom from all that tries to hinder your spirit

Project PEACE- Promoting Inner Peace

20 Ways to Relax and De-stress
  1. Mediate or do yoga
  2. Smile
  3. Practice your Breathing
  4. Write in a journal 
  5. Read a book
  6. Drink some tea and eat healthy foods
  7. Listen to music
  8. Paint or doodle
  9. Retail Therapy-Treat yo'self!
  10. Watch a comedic movie or funny videos on Youtube
  11. Take a long shower or bath
  12. Go for a walk or hike
  13. Have good upright posture when you sit
  14. Talk about it with a strong system of social support (not people who feed off your negativity)
  15. Compliment yourself-Write a list of 10 things you love about yourself/are proud of
  16. Clean up and Organize your room
  17. Go and get a massage, paint your nails or visit a spa
  18.  Sleep or take a nap if you are over-exhausting yourself
  19.  Go to a puppy shelter and play with puppies! 
  20.  Light some candles or some incense and have positive visualization

Ways to Make a Difference = Random Acts of Kindness

Yesterday I got blessed by a homeless man, but then again I gave him $5.

As soon as I opened the door to exit my town's local Bagel Shop, this hopeless yet humble man politely asked me if I could spare him a dollar. Without hesitation, I pulled out my small, lime-green, boom-box patterned wallet and I began to sift through it, in order to find this man a single dollar bill.

I don't know why, but something told me that I should give this man something.

So there I was, digging through my wallet on the sidewalk in the drizzling rain. My fingers passed through all of my ID's, gift certificates, rewards and business cards, more health and car insurance cards and some loose change to find this man a single dollar bill. It only took a matter of seconds for me to realize that I only had a single $5 bill left on me.

After I told him this, I then asked the man if he wanted me to buy him some lunch or something warm. He timidly refused my offer.

"Well then it looks like I'm just going to have to give you my five." I said.

His face contorted into a look of confusion, as if he did not hear correctly or clearly what I was saying. He wagged his finger at me, almost to scold me that these random acts of kindness such as this aren't supposed to happen. To him, they didn't even seem possible.

The man then said to me, "Oh NO, NO, NO! I can't do that. I can't take five dollars from you."

However, I still insisted that he accepts it; that he by no means was taking it from me. I was GIVING it to him.

This man could not believe it. He looked at me in pure awe, as if I was some sort of magician. I could tell that another part of him wanted to unravel some sort of hidden and evil ulterior motive (which I clearly did not have). Pausing, to try and find the loophole that part of all of this included some kind of deceit, which he had no evidence of. But I'm sure my offer appeared to him as a mere illusion. As much as he wanted to warp his perception of me and categorize me into the majority of people who have ignored him in the past or screwed him over, he had trusted me.

He looked deep into my eyes with sincerity and paused when I held the five dollar bill in front of him. He was so hesitant and wary to take the five dollar bill, as if it were some kind of forbidden fruit.

I was so taken back when he suggested that I go into the Bagel Shop, break it, and then come back outside. I told him to not be silly when HE even offered to go into the Bagel Shop himself and break the five into singles so that I could keep four and he could keep just one. It was such a beautiful moment of selflessness. From the moment I met this man, I sensed that his aura he was not a selfish one...maybe in the past he was, but now, here at that moment in time, he wasn't, and so I rewarded him.

I didn't ask this man his story nor what he needed the dollar for, but I guess that's what the beauty of all of this was. All he had with him was a destroyed backpack that appeared to be full of heartache, baggage, struggle, stress and worry. He wore a dark navy beanie on his head to keep himself warm and a heavy jacket on this cold rainy day. I never got his name, just the fact that he wanted to get to Kingston.

When I put the five dollars in his hand his eyes began to well up in tears. His old, sullen and hopeless eyes suddenly regained life and hope. He began crying tears of joy, as if I had given him the secret to life. He wrapped his arms around me to hug me and I accepted his embrace; accepted him, for I feel that this man for many years had faced a lot of rejection. This man was certainly hurt badly in the past, kicked in the balls by life's lottery, and no matter what or how it happened I refused to judge him for it.

We said our goodbyes. I wished him luck with his journey and told him to please take care. I reassured and promised him that everything is going to be okay. But these are only words. As I was walking back to my car, he blessed me not once, but about three more times. Although these were just words, it still meant a lot.

For this world to get better, it is necessary to put our words into actions. To instill and inspire hope and good one must do good. I believe that the humble should be rewarded. I believe that those who have, should give. And that those who give will make the world be a better place.

We are all capable of giving something to someone. There are many ways to make a difference.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Project PEACE: Shop Smart and Save the Environment

Sign outside of a second hand store. Photo acquired from the Public Domain

 Calling all Shop-a-holics!

Who knew you can help out the environment by thrift store shopping! By shopping at thrift stores, you are reducing waste and pollution since it cuts down manufacturing demands. Plus you're also saving money...and who doesn't like saving money!? Also, you are helping out local businesses because oftentimes the money made at consignment shops end up going back to the local community.

Check out more reasons why to thrift shop here!

If you make purchases that are second hand, you will find a variety of cuts, styles, prints and more that you won't see in every other retail store. Sometimes things that may seem outdated can add a unique, edgy look to your personal wardrobe style. You most certainly won't have to worry about someone buying the same exact outfit as you because chances are if you get it at a thrift store, they don't have many in a back stock.

Don't believe me when I say you CAN still look great in clothes that are from a thrift shop? Check out this blog "Thrift and Shout"

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Project PEACE- Reduce your carbon footprint

Pictured above are bikes that students of SUNY New Paltz take to commute to and from classes

By getting on your bike and off of oil, you are reducing your carbon footprint. If you must take a car, try carpooling with someone.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Project PEACE: Walk with a Purpose

Goal for the day: Walk with a Purpose

Today is a gorgeous day for a fantastic walk. If you see any litter today, pick it up and throw it away in the trash! If it can be recycled, go and recycle it. It's easy :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

It's a Great Big World out there

Baby bird in Shelter Island, New York

Your everyday actions have an effect on wildlife and the world all around you. The next time you think about not throwing your gum away in the trash... think of this little guy on the ground. 

Not my Image BUT Still my Problem

Above: Trash under Moore's Bridge on Route 23A on Sept. 21, 2014. Photo by Courtney Brower.

Check out Julia Reischel's article about how our trash is affecting our environment.

Beautiful Scenery

Pictured above is Rondout Creek, a tributary of the Hudson River in Ulster county

Treat the Earth as you would treat your home right before company is coming over.  Let's keep our waters clean by not littering. Our lakes, rivers, creeks and tributaries are way too precious. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Protecting Earth And Communities Everywhere: First stop, New Paltz

Making a difference doesn't have to be just for one day out of the year. Each day strive to do a little act of kindness to help out another person. It's always nice to help keep the Earth beautiful and clean by recycling, picking up trash or planting new trees or flowers. Here is a picture of me helping out my local community in New Paltz. One of our student clubs needed some people to help move this giant mountain of soil (shown behind me) to plant a garden that included some fresh garlic. It's a fantastic feeling to volunteer! At the end of the day I promise you'll feel accomplished. Also someone out there will be very grateful for your efforts and hard work...at least I know I will !

Thursday, September 10, 2015

P.E.A.C.E- Protecting Earth And Communities Everywhere

peacesign, hippy, nature, rocks, Minnewaska State Park Preserve, New Paltz

Here is a picture of a beautiful PEACE sign using rocks found near Minnewaska State Park Preseve in Ulster county. Just a little reminder to spread a little peace and love wherever you go today.