Friday, February 24, 2017

Adopt A Rescue

The fantastic city of San Francisco has taken steps in the right direction. A law was recently passed that pet stores can only sell rescue animals in hopes of dismantling the puppy mill industry. Part of the issue with puppy mills is that not enough people are aware of the fact that most pet shops get their animals in bulk from breeders. There is also not enough advocacy for the adoption of rescues - both young and old.

Many buyers consciously chose to purchase their pet from a pet shop. Not many people know that beyond the scenes, the health and welfare of these animals are not considered a priority. Instead, making a profit is the main focus for business owners. The result of breeding the same animals over and over again can result in birth defects and little to no time for females to recover after birthing their litter. Some mothers are even killed once they cannot produce any more babies. It's truly sickening and terrible.

There is no inspection or specific regulations about the living conditions of these mills. This vicious and ongoing process of puppy mills have been in motion for years. Pups are stuck within confined cages which are usually stacked up upon each other. This is just one example of the many unsanitary conditions in a puppy mill. Some breeders are licensed, while other's aren't. Mills can typically host anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dogs. Just because something is currently in place law-wise, doesn't necessarily make it right, humane or ethical.  

To find out more about the puppy mill industry, petition for change or even donate click here.

Make your point to adopt a rescue pup instead! You won't regret it.

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