Saturday, March 19, 2016


Have you seen the big news? SeaWorld has helped make orcas among the world's most beloved animals. By making this the last generation of orcas in our care and reimagining how guests will experience these beautiful animals, we are fulfilling our ongoing mission of providing visitors with experiences that matter. Learn more about this announcement and how we're changing here:
Posted by SeaWorld on Thursday, March 17, 2016
Orca breeding is finally ending in SeaWorld which is a swim-stroke in the right direction. However, these beautiful creatures still are being  kept in captivity: isolated from the rest of the living beings of the ocean. I hope that one day all big, beautiful, orca whales can swim not only safely from being captured, but freely in clean, unpolluted waters. According to SeaWorld's website, "SeaWorld reaffirms its commitment not to collect marine mammals from the wild. It has not collected an orca from the wild in almost 40 years, and the orcas at SeaWorld were either born there or have spent almost their entire lives in human care. These orcas could not survive in oceans that include environmental concerns such as pollution and other man-made threats." This still does not change the fact that these whales are still being kept in captivity and are still being displayed for entertainment purposes. Hopefully some better changes will come for these natural and wild creatures. Our oceans need to be cleaner, not just for the whales but for other fish and sea mammals, inhabitants and plants.

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