Monday, March 14, 2016

Project PEACE- Mobile Hygiene Buses

Lava Mae bus facility
Who knew that old transportation buses could be transformed into a bathroom and shower facility? Hygiene buses have been emerging across several areas in order to help the homeless community. Take New Mexico and California for instance. Dignity on Wheels has a bus equipped with a washer and dryer while Lava Mae has been making efforts to expand its service, cause and volunteer groups. According to Dignity on Wheel's website their demographics of people who utilize this service bus have been provided, "Showers [for] up to 60 people per day,  360 per week, 18,000+ per year and laundry services up to 36 loads per day, 216 per week, 11,000+ per year." For the sheer sake of survival and humanity causes such as this are necessary. These types of successful services have already helped many in need and hopefully will make a great change in the struggling survival of a homeless lifestyle.   

Dignity On Wheels Facility

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