Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Project PEACE- The Rules of Finders Keepers

I will never forget that at my Sweet 16, someone found my camera and never looked to returned it. I will never forget that Halloween weekend up at college, someone stole my favorite black pea-coat and I had to walk home in the cold. I have been out a countless amount of times where friends of mine have had their phones taken, wallets lost and their ID's snatched up off of the dance floor. I guess the saying is true, "finders keepers, (losers weepers)" because I have weeped a lot over things I have lost.

If you find something that is not yours and know it can be returned; someway; somehow you do it. You make a whole-hearted effort to do it. I know that if it were me, I would hope someone would try to return something of mine that was not intended for someone else to keep. It does not matter how big, small, or even valuable it is! Pay it forward. Create good vibes. Do good things. Help out others and return to them what has been lost.

I went out this past Saturday night to this brand new bar that opened up in town. As you can imagine, it was ridiculously crowded so after a while I decided that I needed to go outside and get some air with my best friend. As we began to chat, I was looking around and noticed that straight ahead, lying in the street, appeared to be what looked like an I-phone 6 plus glistening under the streetlight. I turned to my best friend and asked, "Meg, is it just me or is that a phone lying right there in plain sight!?"

I sprinted over, and lo and behold there it was: A brand new I-phone 6 Plus with not a single scratch, crack or dent. I clicked the home button and saw the screen saver background was of a married couple kissing on their wedding day.

In my mind, finding the owner of this phone was non-negotiable. I had to figure this out and return it. Although I could have easily kept the phone, it was not mine to keep (while the rules of finder's keepers suggests otherwise).

There was no way I could go through this person's contact list because there was a 4 digit passcode lock set. I could not call an emergency number because the only one available would be 911. I paused to think for a moment and so I just commanded Siri, "Call mom". The phone began to ring. No answer. Yet, I knew there had to be SOME way to figure out how to get in touch with the owner of this phone.

I then asked, "Hey Siri, who am I?" and VOILA! Siri gave me all the information I needed - first and last name, e-mail, home address, house phone number, and husband's contact information. I then commanded Siri to call, "insert husbands name" and I got an answer. I explained to him that I had found his wife's phone in the street and we made arrangements for him to come and pick it up from me. He came into the bar and I recognized him immediately as the guy on the phone's background. After introducing himself, he thanked me and then left.

It was not long after that happened, that good karma began to come my way. Suddenly all of these positive things transpired in my personal life. Call it what you want, but I believe it may have been because I returned that phone.

A new tip of advice: Finders >> find an item, now find the person! Losers >> be more responsible and careful with your things. Be appreciative of the good people around you. Stealers >> DO NOT STEAL, SNAG, OR PICKPOCKET. Get a new hobby and channel your energies into something that is actually beneficial to society and helps others living around you in the world.

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