Monday, May 9, 2016

Project P.E.A.C.E - Stop and Listen

There's not a day that goes by where I don't listen to music.
It's kind of amazing how listening to a certain song or music genre can affect your mood. Sometimes there's just a line in a song that resonates with your soul and you wonder - wow, someone actually can put exactly how I feel into lyrics and a beat. Music is an incredible expression.

The other day was one of those days where I just felt angry at the world. I just needed to put on blast songs from My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, Green Day, Good Charlotte and Eminem. Isn't is strange how I'm listening to angsty teen songs at twenty-two? Plus, we're in 2016... who even listens to those artists/bands aside from me?

A week or so ago, I just sat in my room and wallowed in my own self pity while I listened to this playlist I created called, 'The Feels'. I listen to that one when I'm simply feeling sad or numb. Music for me is some weird kind of outlet for addressing and expressing these negative emotions that have been dwelling inside. Journaling can only help so much, but I find that by just stopping and listening to the music it makes me feel better.

That's not to say you should be listening to sad, angsty or sappy love songs all day and every day. You shouldn't! Next time you feel in a negative mood, try changing it up by listening to happy and upbeat music instead. Spotify has playlists already created that are so easy to browse and listen. I highly recommend, 'Happy Hits!', 'Wake up Happy', 'Happy Songs' and even 'Happy Dance Beats'. I have even found it helpful to just blare the happy music so loud that it drowns out my own negative thoughts. It actually works! (at least it does for me) By browsing other similar songs, I have come across some awesome new artists who also have some pretty inspiring messages or just great beats.

So grab your headphones, put on your happy tunes and start jammin'. You'll feel like dancing.

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